Taking care of your flowers at home

You purchased a beautiful arrangement and you can't wait to place it on your front table, living room mantle or kitchen counter! There's just one thing.... you can't just fill a vase up with water and stick the flowers in the vase thinking your job is done. In order to maximize the amount of time your flowers can fill your space with life and vibrant colors, follow the simple tips below. You'll thank me later :)


Determine the length you would like your stems to stand up out of the vase by placing each flower against the outside of the vase. Once you have determined the length, trim the stem at a diagonal with sharp shears accordingly. 


Remove all the foliage that will sit below the water level of your vase. You want to make sure no leaves are below water level as it will introduce bacteria into the water. This will only lead to a quick death for your beloved flowers.


Lastly, fill your clean vase with clean water. It's suggested to re-trim your stems and re-fill your vase with clean water every 2-3 days. Always make sure the bottom of your stems are submerged in clean and clear water. Choosing the right vase is important here. Please ensure the vase is wide enough so your stems aren’t crammed. This will allow for proper circulation and will help your flowers drink the water necessary to be as happy as possible.